What is The God Culture Philippines?
The God Culture Philippines is an official blog dedicated to sharing biblical insights and promoting truth based on scripture and valid history drawing sound conclusions, we stand for truth and integrity.
Photo: Anna, one of the Founders of The God Culture Philippines, with Taal Volcano in the background. The Arabic word Tahal means "called out, summoned for a purpose." Coincidence?
The God Culture Philippines is an official blog dedicated to sharing biblical insights and promoting truth based on scripture and valid history drawing sound conclusions, we stand for truth and integrity.
You can reach us via email at thegodculture@proton.me, or on any of our many social media outlets for any inquiries or concerns.
Yes, we are officially connected with thegodculture.com and thegodculture.org for extended content. Beware of fake imitations misusing our name and logo, engaging in actions that may violate legal
and ethical standards, we stand for truth and integrity. Always verify with our official channels.
We don't overcomplicate our faith. Our creed is: 'Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.' (1 Thessalonians 5:21). We believe rigorous testing validates biblical truth.